Scholarship Program Application

Dear community,

We believe that the knowledge in this course can really change lives and wish to make it accessible to anyone who feels the calling to do it. If the full price of the program stands in the way of your journey, we welcome you to fill out this application and we will do our best to make it possible for you – do note that most of the scholarship we provide are partial scholarships based on different circumstances such as location around the world, personal situations etc.

Please keep in mind that we personally review each and every application during our Scholarship board meetings. These meetings happen every 2 months and so it might take some time before you’ll receive and answer.

Furthermore, aside from the unique resources and opportunities available to scholarship recipients, in terms of the financial aspect of the scholarship, most of the scholarships are partial scholarships based on where applicants are from, their unique circumstance and what we can offer at the moment.

Do note that we have a whole system to maintain including platforms, many people who were involved in making the course and the time and care of the team maintaining it. We are doing our best to accommodate your requests but can’t always provide solutions to everyone. 

Hope you understand,

All the best,

Ehud’s team

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